Sunday 5 February 2012

First words from Miss Brassique

I actually wrote this a little while back, and stuff's moved on a fair bit since then, I'm really pleased to say!  Anyhoo, thought I should post it as it was the true starting it gives me some breathing time whilst I write my next post! In a whiles crocodiles ; ) xx

Well I never, this is my first foray into official blogging, for once I almost have nothing to say...

I suppose I could start by saying a little about the purpose of my musings.  This is kind of like an alter ego outlet, a way to share my loves with you all, vent off some thoughts, and share progress on the development of Brassique, my new online business.  So far it has been an interesting journey, one that at all times is too slow for me, but there's largely only me to blame for that isn't there?

Miss Brassique is me, avid searcher of old delights, unusual items and gorgeous things; preferably bargains, re-using, recycling, giving, swapping, sharing, buying, selling and most favourably of all, Bartering!  I love to Barter.  These interests coupled with my experiences over the years has led to the Brassique vision - The Original Online Barterplace.  More on this fabulous (if I do say so myself) place in a future blog.

The plan is - best laid plans an' all - to weave these ramblings in amongst Brassique's eventual launch,  have a rant, a laugh, discover and share some beautifully interesting things and chat with some fabulous people in the process.  This all seems rather self indulgent doesn't it, not that there's out wrong with that, but it's all about the give and take isn't it?!  My hope is to find that you believe in what I'm doing with Brassique, love gorgeous things and want to join in the cause, or that you're beating out your own business path and fancy sharing / empathising / offloading about same!

I did say almost nothing to say...


  1. Hi have to say this blog looks majestic!! With Miss Brassique every costa gets to wear a crown and no doubt sit on a throne to survey thier bartering dominion..

    1. Thank you me dear! I think I'm resound to the fact that us Costers will forever be named as either 'that coffee place' or the the little mat things you put said coffee cups on ; D We're thick skinned though aren't we?! You should know that anyway, as you're a Coster Gal too - woo-hoo! xx
